Punta Rincon Beach Landing Project

Stage I – Punta Rincon Landing Project
Location: Coclecito, Colón
Client: Minera Panamá S.A.
Year: 2012-2013
Intercoastal Marine Inc.

The Project contemplate the supply and installation of a remote beach landing system to support the construction of the Port Facilities of Minera Panama, S.A. Project near Coclecito, Colon – Panama.

This remote beach landing system consist in a Jeety formed  by two Jack-up Barges (JUB) platforms positioned in deeper waters,  and a temporal steel modular trestle in shallows waters to reach shoreline in to the Cargo Laydown Area of the project.  The JUB’s are two sisters modular barges formed by 52 different components each, which once assembly conform a work platform of 36 by 18 by 2 mts, with four spud in his corners and hydraulic systems that aloud this JUB’s to jack-up over sea level to operate in a safe way.

The Temporal steel modular trestle consist in four steel bodies with dimensions of 9 by 9 by 2,5 mts. With an approximated weight if 16 ton. for each body. The separation between each body is 9 mts with a total of 63 m long for the steel structure. The trestle bodies are driven in his four corners with vertical steel piles of 30” and 24” diam. and each body has two batter piles.

On top and joining this steel bodies, crawler mats are placed which allowed the transit of cargo over the trestle. This crawler mats are steel structures  of appx. 6.7 ton. with a timber cover for the transit of cargo. Between the JUB’s and in the union with the trestle, steel ramps are placed to permit the crossing of the entire structure.

On the offshore side of this trestle, two dolphins will be placed to assist the berth maneuvers of the different vessels that going to arrive to this pier. On the onshore side, a rockfill ramp will be filed to reach the Cargo Laydown Area of appx. 8.100 m2. The total longitude of the pier will reach the 165m mts.

Stage II – Punta Rincon Beach Landing
Location: Samba Bonita, Colón
Year: 2012-2013
Client: Minera Panama S.A.
Intercoastal Marine Inc.

Project consists on the logistics material, equipment and operation services for Minera Panama, S.A. including the logistics of the temporary dock located at the Atlantic zone of the Panama Canal at 9 navigation hours form the city of Colon to Punta Rincon. The pier built previously in phase I of the contract by Intercoastal Marine, Inc.(IMI), consists in the installation of 2 jack-up platforms and 3 steel jackets which composes a temporary dock with a approximate length of 125 lineal meters. The contract’s term is 12 months and its monthly transportation rate is of 2000 tons. It also requires the transport of equipment and materials with the use of landing crafts, tugboats, barges and rafts all supplied and operated by IMI.


Cobre (Copper) Panama Power Station

Minera Panama requires the construction of a 300-320 megawatt power plant known as the Cobre Panama Power Station which is a two-unit coal fired power plant to sustain operations and whose excess production will be fed back into the national grid system. Minera Panama estimates requiring 7,000 employees of which 3,000 employees will be for port and plant operations.

PACO UNITS 1 AND 2 Coal-Fired
Sponsor: Minera Panamá
Parent company: First Quantum Minerals Ltd
Client: SK Engineering & Construction (SK E&C)
Location: Punta Rincón, Coclé del Norte, Donoso District, Colón, Panama
Coordinates: 9.019755, -80.690630 (approximate)
New Coal Plant / 2×150 MW / Colombian Bituminous Coal
Gross Capacity: Unit 1: 150-160 MW, Unit 2: 150-160 MW
Type: Subcritical
Boiler: SeenTec
Seawater FGD system: Fisia Babcock
Steam turbine-generator: Doosan Skoda
Status: Under Construction
Projected in service: 2017

The PACO project consists of two identical 150-MW subcritical coal-fired units and associated steam-turbine generators (STGs), located on a greenfield site on the Caribbean coastline of Panama, approximately 130 km west of Panama City. Each unit includes one boiler, one STG, a seawater flue gas desulfurization (FGD) unit, and once-through cooling of the STG exhaust using seawater. Coal will be primarily Colombian bituminous. The STG units are located indoors.

The design incorporates state-of-the-art equipment, software, and features. SK Engineering & Construction (SK E&C) is developing the plant on an engineering-procurement (EP) basis for Minera Panama, S.A. (MPSA), who is the plant owner. MPSA is managing the construction and is a subsidiary of First Quantum Minerals Ltd (FQML). The plant is being built to supply power for the new Cobre copper mine currently under development.

SK E&C teamed exclusively with Sargent & Lundy, SeenTec, Doosan Skoda, and Fisia Babcock to submit their winning offer for the project. Sargent & Lundy supported SK E&C with development of their technical bid and through the entire bidding phase. The team of Sargent & Lundy and L&T-Sar gent & Lundy Limited is providing the detailed engineering and design of the project. The power plant will operate primarily at base load and will supply electric power via a 230-kV two-circuit transmission line, to be designed and installed by third parties, to the Cobre copper mining complex under development in an area about 30 km from the PACO project site. This mining complex has a forecasted continuous power demand of about 200 MW. The balance of the net-generated power will be injected into the Panamanian electrical power grid.

The plant is being developed on a site that was covered by dense vegetation, and MPSA, with responsibility for clearing the site and initial grading, had to meet very stringent environmental requirements with respect to removal of flora and fauna. In effect, every animal (including 10-foot-long bushmaster snakes) had to be physically relocated during site clearing operations.

Commercial operation is anticipated in January 2017.

In conjunction with Minera Panama’s investment in the area, the Panamanian government has committed resources to constructing 2 large projects; an Atlantic Bridge over the 3rd set of Canal locks, and a coastal highway (along the Mosquito Coast) from Miguel de la Borda to Chiriquí Grande.



Atlantic Bridge Over Panama Canal

In November 2012, VINCI Construction Grands Projects won the contract to build the Atlantic Bridge in Panama. The project, carried out for the Panama Canal Authority (the government agency in charge of operating, maintaining, preserving and modernising the Canal), has a value of $366 million. The bridge was designed by the China Communication Construction Company (CCCC) consisting of HPDI and Louis Berger Group.


The wold's longest cable-stayed concrete bridge

The bridge will be located 3 km north of the Gatun locks, near the city of Colon. The contract covers construction of a 1,050 metre long cable-stayed concrete bridge carrying two lanes of traffic in each direction, with a central span of 530 metres and pylons with a height of 212.5 metres. It will have a vertical clearance of 75 metres above the canal. The Atlantic Bridge will be the world's longest concrete cable stayed bridge, with a central span of 530 metres.

It will notably allow passage of the largest container ships (Post-Panamax), in accordance with the canal expansion program. It will also allow vehicles to cross the Panama Canal on the Atlantic side, whether or not the locks are in operation. To avoid disrupting canal traffic, work will have to be carried out outside the shipping channel, which means the deck will have to be cast in place. The contract also includes construction of access viaducts on either side of the bridge with a total length of 2 km, together with connections to the existing road network.

A new bridge project reference

Work got under way in January 2013 and will take three and a half years to complete. The contract, which marks the historic return of a French company to the Panama Canal site, is yet another addition to VINCI Construction Grands Projets' prestigious portfolio of bridges, which includes the Normandy Bridge  (France), the Severn Bridge (United Kingdom), the Confederation Bridge (Canada), the bridge over the Tagus (Portugal), and the Rion-Antirion bridge (Greece).


Download Project Updates from the Panama Canal website (in Spanish)

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Further Reading:

Atlantic Bridge – Wikipedia

Atlantic Bridge Civil Engineering – VINCI

First Tender for the Fourth Bridge Over the Canal - The Bulletin Panama